With over five decades of experience in fermentation technology, Sanzyme Biologics holds the distinction of being the pioneer in enzyme and probiotic production in India. The company has established a robust scientific and technological foundation during this period, supported by a team of over 30 dedicated scientists who are driven to create innovative solutions and opportunities for our valued customers. Sanzyme Biologics has successfully developed Fermentation Produced Enzymes and nutritional ingredients that fulfil the industry’s demand.

Sanzyme Biologics has developed 100% Fermentation Produced Chymosin (FPC) to cater to cheese manufacturers across the globe, helping them craft the finest cheese.

Contact Us today to learn more about Fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC)
The presence of acrylamide in food products has been associated with potential health risks, making it a significant and widely discussed topic in recent times. Acrylamide (AA) is a toxic substance, carcinogenic and dangerous to human health defined a chemical hazard for the food chain by EFSA due to the its presence in cooked food (EFSA, 2015:EN-817). Acrylamide is a low molecular weight, highly water soluble, organic compound which forms from the naturally occurring constituents asparagine (Asn) and sugars in certain foods when prepared at temperatures typically higher than 120 °C and low moisture during the maillard reaction.
Examples of products that may contain acrylamide include potato products (e.g., french fries, chips), bread, coffee, crackers, cereals, and more. Aspara ginase converts asparagine into aspartic acid – an amino acid that doesn’t convert into acrylamide. Acrylamide presence in food was initially discovered in 2002, and extensive research has since been conducted to understand its potential health effects. The utilization of asparaginase enzyme represents a highly effective strategy for reducing acrylamide formation in food products.

Contact Us today to learn more about L-asparaginase