Antibiotic Ban in Poultry

The consumption of meat, meat products and farmed seafood is projected to rise by 312 per cent by 2030. Intensive poultry farming practices contribute to disease transmission among animals. To control these infections, antibiotics (AGPs) are widely used to prevent diseases in these farmed animals and to increase productivity. China, USA, Brazil & India are not only the world’s largest meat producing countries, but also the largest consumer of antimicrobials for animal production. This issue has been getting increased consumer attention worldwide and industry is beginning to adjust to supply the antibiotic free poultry that the market is seeking.

The International Food Safety and Quality Network standards have laid down strict regulations for the use of antimicrobials in food animals.

US-FDA – Center for Veterinary Medicine & American Veterinary Medical Association have already formulated & put into place the ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP & VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVE (VFD) REGULATION. As per VFD – GFI # 213 (Guidance for Industry) – out of the total 292 animal drug applications:

  • 84 are completely withdrawn
  • 93 water application drugs & 115 feed application drugs are converted from over-the-counter (OTC) to prescription status.
  • Production (e.g., growth promotion) indications are withdrawn from all 31 AGP’s.

EFSA-EMA & Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) have already put into practice the Restricted & Responsible Use of Antibiotics for Food Producing Animals

Majority of the South East Asian countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia amongst others have started implementing the restricted use of antibiotics and the results are showing in their growing exports to Europe & US.

PROBIOTICS are the crucial link in this scenario, which have the potential of securing these farmed food producing animals. Probiotics act by:

  1. Competing for the nutrient availability
  2. Competitively excluding pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal mucosa
  3. Inhibition of pathogenic growth by production of organic acids and antibiotic-like compounds
  4. Boosting the 1st Line of Defense and Immunity

SANZYME BIOLOGICS is a 50-year-old biotechnology company based in Hyderabad, India. SANZYME specializes in the production of PROBIOTIC bacteria and supplies customers in more than 30 markets globally, for applications in Human Health, Human Food, Aquaculture, Poultry, Livestock and Bioremediation.

SANCO – the Animal Health Division of SANZYME BIOLOGICS is a pioneer in the development, application & use of PROBIOTICS Strains for Poultry / Animal farming. With its intense R&D, Application Technologies, Delivery Systems, Innovative Methodologies and Global Reach, SANCO has been serving the global Poultry / Animal farming community – in reducing & tackling Antibiotic use in food producing animals. The Probiotic Strains used for farmed animals is different from that of the Probiotic Strains used for Human Health. Probiotic Strain development suiting the Poultry and other farmed animals is an ever & ongoing process at SANZYME BIOLOGICS. SANCO Probiotic Strains for Poultry / other farmed animals are deposited with Microbial Type Culture Collection & Gene Bank (MTCC) Chandigarh, India. The Probiotic Strains developed are also screened & tested for Anti-Microbial Resistant Genes (AMR)

SANZYME BIOLOGICS currently In addition to producing our own strains is also a trusted CMO for companies wishing to develop and commercially produce their own Probiotic strains. Services provided include – Toll Manufacturing, Sample Generation (for trials), and CRO services. SANZYME BIOLOGICS facilities are NSF certified, FAMI QS certified, ISO – 220000-2005, and ISO-9001-2015 certified.

Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™ obtains FDA GRAS approval in Infant Formula

Sanzyme Biologics has obtained Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) approval relating to use of Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 in infant formula.

The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued the company with a GRAS Notice known as a ‘no objection letter’. It states that it has no questions regarding the safety of Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969spore preparation marketed by Sanzyme Biologics when used in infant formula

The FDA’s decision means Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969spore preparation is permitted for use as an ingredient in a non-exempt infant formula for term infants, at levels up to 2x 108 colony forming units (CFU) per 100 ml infant formula, as consumed.

Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969is a Gram-positive, spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium, which was isolated from green malt in 1949. The SNZ 1969 strain is deposited in the Microbial Type Culture Collection as MTCC 5724 and in the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganism as LMG S – 27484.

Numerous clinical studies where Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™ was consumed by both children (including infants) and adults reported no relevant adverse reactions.

Dr. Raunak Soman, Executive Director, Sanzyme Biologics said: “This approval is a significant regulatory milestone and speaks volumes about the quality and safety of our strain.  Probiotics usage has seen a sharp increase over the past few years in infants products, as the babies natural gut flora can be affected by variable factors that can lead to serious life threatening complicationsWe hope to benefit millions of babies with our Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™usage in infant formula. This strain has been used by children in India for decades, with no safety issues or concerns. This history of use and the inherent stability of the strain in food applications make SNZ 1969 the ideal strain for infant applications”

Sanzyme Biologics is a 50 year old biotechnology company based in Hyderabad, India. Sanzyme specialises in the production of probiotic bacteria. Sanzyme’s best studied probiotic product is Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™. SNZ 1969 is a well-studied and documented strain with 20+ Clinical Trials and multiple regulatory approvals (FDA GRAS, Infant GRAS, EFSA QPS, Health Canada, FSSAI and others). It is currently sold in and used in 30+ countries including USA, Italy, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Sanzyme Biologics Received NSF certification for GENOME VALLEY Plant

Sanzyme Biologics Pvt. Ltd is now registered with The NSF Dietary Supplement Certification Program which has assessed and confirmed compliance of its facility situated at Genome Valley, Hyderabad (Telangana).  With the NSF certification, the company is now FSMA and cGMP compliant for their partners.

“NSF International, is a US certification body, whose mark on our facility is an assurance for our customers that our product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organization in existence today. Sanzyme Biologics is already a recognized name in the Indian biotechnology industry for the past 50 years and works with reputed companies in over 30 countries, this certification will give us an edge to widen our global footprint” said Dhruv Soman, Executive Director of Sanzyme Biologics.

Sanzyme Biologics is a 50 year old biotechnology company based in Hyderabad, India. Sanzyme specialises in the production of probiotic bacteria. Sanzyme’s best studied probiotic product is Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™. SNZ 1969 is a well-studied and documented strain with 20+ Clinical Trials and multiple regulatory approvals (FDA GRAS, Infant GRAS, EFSA QPS, Health Canada, FSSAI and others). It is currently sold in and used in 30+ countries including USA, Italy, Canada, Australia and Japan.

NSF Listing of Sanzyme Biologics: Read More

Introduction to Sanzyme’s Bacillus Subtilis SNZ 1972

Bacillus subtilis is a rod shaped, probiotic bacterium. It is found in the soil like most members of the Bacillus family and the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants and humans. Bacillus subtilis bacteria secrete commercially important industrial enzymes such as amylase, protease,pullulanase, chitinase, xylanase, lipase, among others. Bacillus subtilis is also responsible for producing antibiotics like bacitracin (effective against Gram-positive bacteria), polymyxin (affective against Gram-negative bacteria), difficidin (a broader spectrum), subtilin, and mycobacillin.

Bacillus subtilis SNZ 1972 was originally isolated from the soil by Sanzyme Biologics after extensive screening and characterization of various strains of Bacillus subtilis. By virtue of ability to form stress-resistant shield (endospore) Bacillus subtilis SNZ 1972 can protect itself against many stress situations such as acidic, alkaline, osmotic, or oxidative conditions, and heat. It survives through all manufacturing processes and it does not show decrement in viability of cell.

Safety of Bacillus subtilis SNZ 1972 is verified by a series of in vitro and in vivo studies. Based on these scientific procedures, Bacillus subtilis SNZ 1972 spores received self-affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status and it is intended for use as a food ingredient for consumers in the following food categories: bakery, cereal bars, dairy products and vegetable and fruit juices. Bacillus subtilis SNZ 1972 has also been studied for healthy digestion


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bacilllus Coagulans SNZ 1969

Introduction to Sanzyme’s Bacillus Coagulans SNZ 1969


Bacillus coagulans is a spore forming, probiotic strain. In 1949, Dr.Oki Nakayama from the University of Yamanashi in Japan isolated a species of spore forming lactic acid bacteria from green malt. It was deposited in the ATCC by Japanese researchers and later reclassified as Bacillus coagulans. In 1972, at the request of Sankyo Corporation, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare approved the use of a B. coagulans strain (designated as strain SANK 70258).Subsequently, in 1973, Sankyo Corporation (currently known as Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd) offered formulation and fermentation technology to Sanzyme Limited (earlier known as Uni-Sankyo Ltd).

The Brand and Legacy

Bacillus coagulans is marketed in India under the brand name Sporlac and has been designated as strain ‘Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969’ by Sanzyme Limited and Sanzyme Biologics.The strain Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 is deposited with Microbial TypeCulture Collection and Gene Bank, India (MTCC 5724P) and Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganism (BCCM™ILGM; LMG S−27484). US FDA has determined Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 strain as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) based on scientific procedures (US FDA Notification GRN-597).

A Stronger Probiotic: Shielded, Resilient and Survives as the fittest!!

Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 shielded by natural capsules called spore. It can sustain hostile gastric and bile acids in human gut and remains stable in highly acidic (pH 2) environment. It is also resistant to high temperature i.e. up to 85°C for 30 min. From production to consumption, it does not show decrement in viability of cell. It sustains extreme manufacturing processes like fermentation, freezing, thawing,drying, and rehydration, making it the ideal probiotic for food applications. The safety and reliability of Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 is established not only by scientific studies but also by its unprecedented history of use for 46 years. Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 has also been studied for benefits in gut health, oral health and vaginal health.



Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.